Picture of Bryan, the blugrassgrow founder

A Message from Our Founder

"Hello green grass enthusiast! I'm Bryan, the founder of BlugrassGrow!

Like all of you, I absolutely love having the greenest grass in the neighborhood. Between my two kids, dogs, family BBQ's, golf practice and dry climate, maintaining a healthy lawn has always been a challenge.

As an avid golfer, I've often wondered what the golf courses do differently to grow such green, lush, healthy grass. After a ton of research, trial and error, and guidance from professionals, I developed the formula for BlugrassGrow.

BlugrassGrow is a proprietary formula combined with an easy four step application process. The everyday homeowner can now grow the same lush, green, healthy grass they see on their favorite golf courses.

I also take it as a point of pride to have no corporate funding behind BlugrassGrow. I believe in this product so much that I took this on without any larger controlling interests, and I’m proud to be the independent owner of BlugrassGrow.

Enjoy being the envy of your neighborhood"

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